Company name: PT Corporation | CEO: Won Gu Kang
Business registration number: 113-87-00933 | Online marketing business registration number: No. 2016-Dalseo, Daegu-0064
Address: 2F, #335, Seongseo-ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea / 806, Byucksan Digital Valley 6, 219, Gasan Digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Privacy policy | Personal Information Protection Officer : Jeong Yeonil(
Hello. This is PT Corporation.
We changed our company name from Printec Co., Ltd to PT Corporation last Jun. 17.
PT corporation - used to use the Printec brand as the company name -is to make a leap forward and grow as a more R&D based online commerce specializing company.
We currently produce the required products for diverse daily life of our customers through three brands of Printec, DANSOON and Tokebi. Furthermore, we will do our best to grow as a company considering and satisfying customers’ various tastes through developing more brands in the future.
We also made an effort to make CI and company website representing PT Corporation, so please give us more attention and support.
Thank you so much.