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We are 

PT Corporation.

Who we are

PT Corporation creates ideas through a variety of thoughts of diverse people. We constantly challenge new things without being daunted by failure just like nothing happens if nothing is tried. PT Corporation tries to be responsible for the very last for our customers trusting and going along with us.


생활에서 발견한 아이디어를 우리의 가치와 기술을 더해 새로움을 추가하고 있습니다.


남들보다 한발 앞서 실행하고 실패보다 과정에서 얻는 것을 위해 오늘도 도전합니다.


기업의 중심에 고객이 있고, 고객의 생각에 가치에 따라 책임을 다하는 기업을 만들어 갑니다.


We add novelty to ideas discovered in life with our values and technologies.


We practise one step ahead of others and challenge today for what we gain from the process rather than failure.


We make our company fullfills duty following thoughts and values of the customers with customer-centered philosophy.

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PT Corporation's Brands

PT Corporation has a total of 3 brands for stationery, 

simple lifestyle and small kitchen appliances as R&D based brands enriching people’s lives.

Daily stationery 

Daily stationery & living supply brand with new ideas 


Lifestyle brand leading 

cultural life 

Small kitchen appliance 

Small kitchen appliance brand creating special values 

No.1 fashion stationery

The gift shop for everyone, Bigkid. 

피티코퍼레이션의 어제와 오늘.

20여년이 흘러 지금에 이르기까지, 피티코퍼레이션은 변하지 않는 것이 있습니다. 자연에 대한 존중, 사람에 대한 생각, 생활에 대한 연구입니다.

Past and present of PT Corporation .

From our beginning, only one thing has not been changed. Those are Respect for Nature, Thinking for Human and Study for life. 

2010 ~ 2021

2021Changed the company name to PT Corporation 
2019HausElec, integrated into TOKEBI brand 
2017Completed M&A with 'HausElce' 

Launched DANSOON, a lifestyle brand 

Obtained CCM (Consumer Centered Management) 
2015Obtained GS (Good software) for Printec label maker

Obtained CCM (Consumer Centered Management) 
2014Won awards in the world's three most prestigious design awards (REDDOT, IF, and SPARK) 
2013Celebrated the 20th anniversary of Printec 
2010Launched ‘Sticky Notes’ 

2000 ~ 2009

2008Obtained ‘Environmental Mark and certification’ 
2007Awarded as a ‘Success Design’ (by Korea Institute of Design Promotion) 
2005Changed company name to ‘Printec Co., Ltd.’ 

Completed M&A with ‘Buwon International Co., Ltd.' (Top hand blender in Korea: Tokebi Hand Blender) 

1993 ~ 1999

1997Registration of international & domestic trademark 'Anylable' & '애니라벨' 

Registration of a trademark 'PRINTEC' 
1995Developed immersion hand blender 'TOKEBI' 

Entered a home shopping in Korea 
1993Established 'Hyundai Corp' (Predecessor of Printec) 

PT Corporation's Identity

We make a constant effort and consider customers to make valuable brands and products. We try to create a new world with creative thinking and passion about R&D of our products. PT Corporation strives to enhances the value of life with better lifestyle.

Symbol mark.

CI design of PT (Print Technology) figures extendability of the brand by making P letter open as well as represent the brand unique and global implicitly by expressing continuity of PT as CMYK.















Headquarters in Daegu

Address: 2F, #335, Seongseo-ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea 

Branch office in Seoul

Address: 806, Byucksan Digital Valley 6, 219, Gasan Digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea


Company name: PT Corporation | CEO: Won Gu Kang

Business registration number: 113-87-00933 | Online marketing business registration number: No. 2016-Dalseo, Daegu-0064 

Address: 2F, #335, Seongseo-ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea / 806, Byucksan Digital Valley 6, 219, Gasan Digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 

Privacy policy | Personal Information Protection Officer : Jeong Yeonil(